by Ashley
(San jose, CA, USA)
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My 1,25(OH) Vitamin D level is 85 and my 25(OH) Vitamin D was 27 ng/ml and then 32 ng/ml when retested.
It looks like I have vitamin insufficiency, but my question is, "why is my 1,25(OH) Vitamin D level so high?"
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by Sean
I asked you a question about 2 months ago and you gave me a very good answer and I really appreciate that. As you suggested, I have been taking 6000 iu of vitamin D3 (you suggested 10,000) for about 7 weeks. As I had mentioned to you at that point my vit 25 D was 67 nmol and my vit d1,25 was 100 pmol/l range (60-159). I know you suggested that i didn't need another D1,25 test but me being the worrier, I took one a week ago and in just under 2 months my vit D 1,25 has climbed to 153 (range 60-159). I am waiting for the results of my D25 test but why would my Vit D 1,25 climb so high so there anything for me to be concerned about? and if the Vit D1,25 goes above the high end of the range which it appears it could do very shortly is that a concern? I took vitamin 6000 Iu d3 the day of the test would that have spiked it? I am concerned and would love your advice.
Thanks for any advice I really appreciate it.
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by Larry Maggiacoma
(Phoenix, AZ)
Is a 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin score of 65 any concern. I live in Arizona and get plenty of sun. I also have a kidney transplant. Normal range is 15-60.
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by Karen
(San Diego)
I have been on Vitamin D3 Supplements for several years due to Osteomalacia. I am on about 8,000 IU'S a day. The last lab test the doctor took was unusual... It had a HIGH vitamin D25 of 102 and a LOW vitamin D1,25 of 13. Any idea how this could happen and what can be done to balance them out?
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I have been taking 10,000 mg vitamin D3 for about 9 months now. My 25 (OH)D LEVEL IS 83.2 which is in the high range.
Just had my 1.25 hydroxy D level checked it was veru high 189.2 What dose this mean.
Thank you
Michael R.
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by Karen
I have read your 1,25 OH page but I am still confused. My 25OH is 46 and my 1,25OH is at 185 (ref range 10-75). I've been supplementing with 4000 IU of D3 for ~2 years, so I am surprised by the relatively low 25OH.
My doctor tested
Calcium 9.2
PTH - 37
ACE - 58
BUN - 17
Creatinine - .73
ANA - Negative (no value provided)
RA Factor 9.1
CBC and all other labs normal
NOT pregnant.
I've also had a persistent lump in my throat and jaw and chest tightness for the past month. ENT scoped my throat and said everything looked normal. This caused my MD to consider sarcoidosis, which he claims is contradicted by my ACE level. I have read that sarc can be associated with both high and normal ACE.
As with another poster, my doctor mentioned that the high 1.25, OH can be associated with lymphoma (even without high serum calcium), however, he says he wants to wait a few months before investigating that route because "you look very healthy."
I am not sure what to think or do. On the one hand, I do not want to be an alarmist, but, on the other, if I have something that needs treatment, sooner is better than later.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Hello, my doctors first noticed an elevated calcium level at 10.4. I wanted to know why it might be elevated so I had more tests done. My calcium was 10.3, then 10.2 and my Vit D 1,25 was 140ish. My CRP was elevated at 6. something (normal 0-3) and my PTH was 13. I had a PTH scan and thyroid ultrasound and chest xray done. The PTH and chest x ray came back negative/clear and i only had a cyst on my thyroid. I then went to another endocronologist who continued to check my levels. My calcium was 10.1 and d 1,25 was 95. He put me on hydroxychloroquine thinking it was probably sarcoidosis, but after 3 weeks my calcium was the same and d 1,25 was still high at 75 (normal 12 or 14-75). Then after 6 weeks calcium was still 10.1 and d 1,25 was up to 79. My d 25 was normal and PTH was always within range (on the lower end of normal). However, since the hydroxychloroquine didn't alter my d 1,25 as much as my doc wanted it to/thought it should, he deduced it wasn't sarc. He has had sarc patients before and hydroxychloroquine has always worked quickly with them. The last time I went, my calcium was 10.1 d 1,25 was 79, CRP was .9 (I also had a rheumatoid factor at 15 (normal ends at 14) but my doc seemed to think this wasn't interesting since it was so slightly elevated).
I am just freaking out worrying about if i have sarcoidosis or rheumatoid arthritis or some other autoimmune disease.
It should also be noted that i had sudden neurosensory hearing loss three years ago and secondary ammenorhea for 9 months before being put on birth control. I am 20, female and a vegetarian (also for three years). I am giving as much info as possible because I really want to figure this out! So nervous!! thanks!
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by Barbara Funk
(Phoenix AZ)
I have twice the high level of Vitamin D125. I also have elevated levels of calcium. At this point testing once a week my calcium levels run from 10.3 to 10.8. My endocrinlolgist, pulminologist and oncologist cannot find any sarcodoisis or lymphomas and my pituitary glands are fine.
I have had several MRI's which come out fine.I have low thyroid and take one tablet 50mg a day before breakfast. My thyroid is under control. I started having the problem in January 2011 when I was in the hospital with a calcium level of 14.5, in February with 11.7 and March with 12.0. At that point vitamin D125 level was 70. Treatment consisted of continuous IV's for 4-5 days with lasix & one 40mg IV of Zometa.
Since June 2011 the Vitamin D 125 level has been extremely high while the calcium level has been steady. I have stopped as much Vitamin D and calcium in my diet as is humanly possible. I am also a diabetic which is under control with an AIC level of 5.7. I am supposed to eat 1800 calories a day but most likely I am not doing that since I have cut out so much foods that I cannot eat. My kidney function is good. What else can I do to reduce this Vitamin D level?
Barbara Funk