Vitamin D and a type of cancer not mentioned on your site

by Loyce Posadus

My fiance was diagnosed with intestinal cancer about 8 months ago. He loves milk but is no longer able to drink it as it nauseates him and causes him to vomit. My question is, would it be beneficial to him to take Vitamin D pills and would he be able to absorb them since the cancer is in his intestines?

Have there been any studies that show Vitamin D benefiting those with intestinal cancer?

Thank you for your time!

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So Sorry...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Loyce,

I'm so sorry to hear about your fiance. But I'm glad that he's not able to drink milk because, even though milk's contribution to vitamin d intake is almost completely worthless, it made you find out about vitamin d for his condition. Yeah!!

So, 'intestinal cancer' is a broad category that could mean anything from esophageal cancer to rectal cancer, but in the end it doesn't really matter. You are still in the western medicine 'mode' that each and every disease has it's own specific and unique cause and treatment.

But this is not true at all, and MOST diseases- including nearly all cancers- all stem from just a few problems:

Nutrient deficiencies
Environmental Toxins
Food allergies
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Hormonal Imbalances

The reason that everyone GETS different diseases is because of the action of these different problems on each individual's genetics. That's why our hunter gatherer ancestors just didn't have these problems- they had no processed foods, tons of nutrionally packed foods, go t lots of exercise and sunlight and had no environmental toxins.

So, in answer to your question about whether vitamin d will help, the answer is a resounding 'Maybe'. First of all, it will depend upon whether he gets meaningful doses and brings up his levels. If you give him 800 IU's a day or even 2000 IU's a day, it's probably going to do virtually nothing. But if you bring up his levels into the range that I outline on my Normal Vitamin D Levels page, then it certainly may help.

Second, don't have unrealistic expectations of what vitamin D can do, it's not going to 'fix' him, but it may very well contribute to him being able to fight this and improve his chances of survival as has been shown in Breast Cancer and Vitamin D.

So, he'll have the best chances of survival if he also reverses the factors that allowed him to get cancer in the first place. I recommend taking a look at some SERIOUS dietary changes.

Good luck and I hope that this helps...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

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