Low Vitamin D and Kidney Stones

by Amanda

I am 34. Last year I had a very large, very rare kidney stone in my right kidney and several small ones in my left. I didn't know about them until I got very sick. Now, I keep getting UTI symptoms. My urine shows white blood cells but my cultures come back negative. I have already formed a small stone again on my right side. Thankfully it's small and not growing at this time.

My family doctor tested my calcium, pth and vitamin d. My calcium was 9.8, PTH was low at 10 and Vitamin D was 16.6. They told me to add 2,000 units of Vitamin D and re-check blood work in 4 weeks. They are thinking either hyperparathyroid or hypercalcemia. I'm horrible at spelling. I think it's my parathyroid.

This next 4 weeks seem so far away. Any thoughts?

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by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Amanda,

Well, not to say that you couldn't have hyperparathyroidism or hypercalcemia, but both of these conditions are defined by HIGH levels. In the case of hyperparathyroidism, you would have high calcium and/or high calcium levels.

The definition of hypercalcemia is high calcium levels. Without high calcium levels, by definition, you do not have hypercalcemia. And your calcium level is normal, so I'm not sure why your doctor would be talking about hypercalcemia or hyperparathyroidism since you don't have the defining characteristics of either.

As far as kidney stones, these are very very often a result of magnesium deficiency- which is EPIDEMIC, and can even be present regardless of even if your lab tests for magnesium were completely normal. Please see my page on Preventing Kidney Stones.

Kerri Knox, RN

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