Have I took to much vitamin D?

by April
(Ohio, USA)

My daughter & I

My daughter & I

I started having severe lower back pain on & off the last 2 months of my pregnancy. I started to breastfeed right after the baby was born.

Then the first 3 months after the baby was born I was pain free. The lower back pain started again shortly after the 3rd month, months went by & by the 6th month breastfeeding I was having teeth sensitivity & a little knee pain.

Eventually by the end of breastfeeding him after 13 months i had more little aches in other bones. Around the 6th month i seen a orthopedics & primary they could not figure out what the problem was.

I eventually seen a rhematologist doctor & endocrinologist doctor & the only thing they could find wrong after running all kind test was a vitamin D level @27.

I was already taking vitamin D3 2000 IU alot during my breastfeeding not everyday but alot. I started taking vitamin D3 6000IU for 8 weeks since i was diagnosed while taking 1500mg calcium also tanning for 5 those weeks 3 days a week but i only take 2000IU when i tan.

Could i have put calcium deposits in my organs?

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How much Vitamin D is too much?

A friend of mine had the Vitamin D blood test, which showed an extreme deficiency.

Her doctor prescribed a prescription supplement of four (once a week) pills of 50,000 I.U., with 3 refills.

This sounds like an extreme amount of Vitamin D...what do you think?

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Too Much Vitamin D?

Is there such thing as too much vitamin D?

Is there such thing as too much vitamin D?

My doctor has me on 50,000 units three times a week. I was told this was excessive. Is it? My Vitamin D level was very close to nothing. Normal was 35-100 and mine was 10. I am also on Potassium 10 meq per day. Any problems with this combination?

I hate taking meds and these seem to make my stomach burn even with food. Any other suggestion?

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