Low Vitamin D causing my fatigue?

by Judy

My physician told me I have a level of 12.5 vitamin D and she put me on 50,000 units, 1 pill per week for three months. Why is my level so low? At times I feel as though I cannot walk up four steps to get into the house. Is it because my vitamin D level is so low? I am a 66 year old female.

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Low Vitamin D Causing Fatigue
by: Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

Please see my pages on:

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency


Vitamin D Deficiency Fatigue

Yes, Vitamin D FAtigue is a real thing. Anyone suffering from fatigue should be tested for vitamin d deficiency and treated appropriately.

Kerri Knox, RN

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Return to Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms.

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