Is Magnesium Dangerous?
I have chronic atrial-fib,had it for 10 years,in and out of hospitals with intravenous Cardizam for 2 days at a time,i finally after being terrified with all these episodes came upon an article by Dr.Julian Whitaker who uses Magnesium supplements in his clinic for all kinds of arrythmmnias,anyway, I started on 400 mgs.daily,gradually built it up to 900 mgs.have maybe mild episodes 2 or 3 times a year from stress/anxiety or hidden MSG in foods.
I just wait it out at home until it passes after around 12 hours compared to the 2 days i spent in hospital until they converted it back to normal.Magnesium has been the answer for me for which i thank the Lord!
This has given me more peace of mind,the cardioligist put me on Toprol and Cardizam which I take little of as it caused no relief from abnormal heart rythmns. The cardioligist poo poo's any kind of supplements, especially fish oil which I also take.
I am not being contrary,just trying to help myself.
Now I am reading that Magnesium supplements, although they convert your rythm back to normal can be dangerous! I am totally confused,who do you believe? Can you help me?
Thank you for any help.I am a young 77 year old and i also have a pacemaker. HELP!