Can I Take Methylcobalamin?
by Joan
I am a 75 year old woman that had a series of Vitamin B12 shots many years ago and became allergic to them. I was suffering from hypothyroidism at the time which affected my blood but had not yet been diagnosed. Can I take the methylcobalamin B12?
I'm currently working with an endocrinologist. My TSH results, T4 are fine but my T3 which I asked her to check are 241 when the normal range for the test she did is 50-170. (tri-iodothyronine total true,ser/plas,qn test.)
I do have spots on my arms and also have leg muscle fatigue/tiredness and some numbness or tingling in my fingers. Have yet to talk with the endocrinologist since the last test last week. I came across your info by checking into B12 deficiency on the internet.