Vitamin B12 for Malabsorption

by Sore Tummy

I have had a malabsorption problem for the last 17 years. I was taking 1000 mcg. of vitamin B12 daily for a long time, after which my blood level of B12 was 2000. However, my practitioner commented that although lab testing revealed my blood level to be 2000, my tissues are not getting it. I believe her. I have cold extremities that travels up my legs and illogical thinking patterns that scare me at times.

I was able to get B12 shots for the last 2 years, however, I may have to resort to other forms at this time. -What do you think of B12 patches versus liquid B12 that I could either take sublingually, orally or dermally?
My intestines are frequently sore and/or gassy.

Thank you

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Gluten Intolerance
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

First of all, if you are not getting enough vitamin B12, then just take MORE. Why not take 2 mg per day or 5 mg per day or even 20 mg per day until you feel better and then decrease the dose. Why are you 'stuck' on needing to take shots or to 'only' take 1 mg per day. Just take more and make sure it's sublingual.

Second, please read my page on B12 Malabsorption.

You almost certainly have gluten intolerance and/or other food intolerances. There is a REASON that you have malabsorption, taking B12 when you are not absorbing it is just a band-aid and doesn't fix the problem as to why you are not absorbing it to begin with..

Kerri Knox, RN

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