Vit B12 for Mental Issues

by Charlie
(Monterrey, NL, Mex)

Hello Kerri,

I was wondering what supplements (and quantities if possible) would you suggest for memory loss and symptoms similar to Alzheimer?

After reading your site, I learned that Vit B12 is worth a try.

Is there any other supplement or recommendation you would suggest?

Thanks in advance!

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by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen

Hi Charlie,

I would definitely try Methylcobalamin at high doses of up to 10,000 mcg per day for memory loss, etc. You should see some benefits within a month (usually sooner) if a deficiency in B12 is part of the problem. If you don't see any benefit in a month, then this is likely not the problem for you, although taking lower doses for the rest of your life is not a bad idea since it's beneficial for a lot of reasons.

If you don't see benefits in a month, or you just want to do everything that you can as quickly as you can for this issue, I would suggest that you look seriously into a diet called the 'Ketogenic Diet'. This is a diet that is similar to the Atkins diet, but is not quite the same. The Atkins Diet has had a lot of bad press over the years, but the Ketogenic Diet is a very well recognized treatment for several brain issues, including seizures and Alzheimers. It's not the easiest diet to be on, but it's your brain! And if you are losing brain function, well, changing your diet seems a small sacrifice to keep it functioning.

I'll give you some links. If these don't specifically talk about the Ketogenic Diet and brain function, then keep searching around for something that talks about it. There is excellent research out there on the topic of the Ketogenic Diet (also called Ketosis) and improved brain function.

Your Brain On Ketones- Psychology Today

The Fat Fueled Brain- Scientific American

They are even developing drugs that will allow the body to more easily produce ketones for Alzheimers patients! This is becoming very mainstream Alzheimer's treatment.

Why Ketones are Important for Alzheimers

Kerri KNox, RN

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