Comments for Taking Vitamin D and Getting Sunlight At the Same Time

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It depends...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Liza,

I'm VERY confused about the dosages of vitamin d. I THINK that you mean that your doctor is giving you 100,000 IU's per week for four weeks and then 10,000 IU's twice weekly after that? But I'm not quite sure.

In any case, I'm pretty much answered this question on the Getting Vitamin D from Actual Sunlight thread and you'll see that the answer is really that you need to take 'enough' vitamin d to get your level between 50 to 80 ng/ ml whether that is through sunlight or pills- and there are way too many variables to know how much vitamin d you are getting in 20 minutes of sun.

Among those are:

How light or dark your skin is
How much clothes are you wearing while you are sitting in the sun
Are you wearing sunscreen
What is the cloud cover like
Do you live in northern or southern Spain
How old are you
Are you taking a shower immediately afterwards
Do you have dry or oily skin

So, the answer is to get 'enough'. Probably not the answer you are looking for, but it's the only possible answer that I can give you...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


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