should I take b12 without a blood test

I have been chronically fatigued for over six years now with a constant "brain fog" for the past two.

My HGB is within normal limits but my vit D was a little low (I have been taking 50k IU per week for a couple weeks now). I have not had a b12 blood test done yet to see if I am actually deficiant but have started taking the suppliment anyways. Is it safe to take 10000 mcg a day or would you advise against this without a blood test. I was thinking I would try these theraphy for a week or two and stop if I don't feel better


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I can't tell you what you should do
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Joseph,

I can't tell you what you 'should' or 'should not' do, I can only provide information which may help you to make your ultimate decision based on your own due diligence. However, I can point you to my page on Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment where you can read about the experiences of a group of people who experienced fatigue, but had normal vitamin b12 levels.

You may also be interested in reading my page on Vitamin B12 Levels so that you can see how inaccurate vitamin b12 tests are anyway...

Kerri Knox, RN

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