Severe Muscle Cramps at Night

by veronica
(London )

So glad I found your site! My mum has heart failure 5 years ago; for months she has been having these cramps - we usually ignore her because she has so many other complaints but recently she had to go into hospital because her legs had blown up. Basically they were water logged and the heart was a bit shaky.

She is out now and nicely settled and legs have gone down. However we cant believe that the same problem has now occurred CRAMPS.. This keeps her awake at night and upsets her during the day and gets her up early- like this morning, hence this email.

So I decided to research this once and for all. The written information here makes sense. She has to take 2 water pills - just to keep the water off the heart! Bumetanide 1gm and 3mg so this as I understand has been removing all magnesium plus she is very thirsty.

I would be happy if you can give me an alternative - something I could go to the consultant with… Noticed the advert on here for magnesium gels for instance – but would this work … on an elderly patient (87)? taking all these other drugs….
Would it really stop the cramps at night?? (I give her something called ‘complan’ at night it sometimes helps – it has lots of vitamins in it) .

Is there a water drug that’s a bit more expensive that we could get for my mum without the side effects?

Look forward to your quick reply

Comments for Severe Muscle Cramps at Night

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Cannot advise you about drugs
by: Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

I cannot advise you about drugs. All that I can do is to give you information that might help you make an educated decision or to look into conditions more. Please read my pages on:

Causes of Muscle Cramps


Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

There is no reason why magnesium would not work for an elderly person if they are truly magnesium deficient. Why would you think that resolving a vitamin deficiency, if she has one, would not help her?

Kerri Knox, RN

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