Raised MCV Level of 103

by rosie

I have been having a consistently raised mcv (103, I am female) for a couple of years. Nothing else is raised (tft,wcc b12 folates, lft are all normal) and I have no symptoms.

I am overweight and have drunk to excess a couple of years ago, when I was under a great deal of stress.

Whenever I have more blood tests my Gp just says its still raised and keep off alcohol,that the raised level could be just normal for me and sends me away.

I feel I am making a fuss. should I accept what he says and get on with my life or push for further tests?

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Raised MCV
by: Kerri Knox, The Immune System Queen

Hi Rosie,

Please read my page on MCV Blood Test. That should answer your questions.

Kerri Knox, RN

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