Macrocytic Anemia and Vitamin D Deficiency

by CJ

I have had macrocytic anemia for at least 10 years, enough that my dr. even did a bone marrow test. Now, at age 58 I have been diagnosed with osteopenia and Vitamin D deficiency. I have always been a huge milk drinker, so I couldn't believe it when my dr. told me this.

As I have been reading your web site, I wonder if a gluten sensitivity might be part of my problem. What do you suggest I do?

Comments for Macrocytic Anemia and Vitamin D Deficiency

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Milk is probably part of your problem
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi CJ,

You sound like a CLASSIC case of undiagnosed Celiac Disease. So, what to do now? Go on a Gluten Intolerance Diet and start trying to increase your nutrition so that you can stop the damage that is being done with the multiple nutritional deficiencies that you are experiencing.

And I hate to tell you this, but being a 'huge' milk drinker may have actually CAUSED part of your problem. 'Conventional' or store bought milk is a nutritional wasteland that is a 'processed food' equivalent to white bread that I would only feed my worst enemy. Please read the 'real milk' website at

It's no wonder that you have a bunch of nutritional deficiencies if you are filling your belly up with nutrient absent store bought milk- I shudder even THINKING about drinking the hormone and antibiotic laden pasteurized dead food that we've been brainwashed to think is healthy- ugh!!

In any case, GET OFF OF STORE BOUGHT MILK and start eating REAL food that is nutrient dense. I HIGHLY suggest that you start eating a 'paleolithic' or Weston A. Price type diet such as is outlined in The Healthy Urban Kitchen.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

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