is there a link to multiple surgeries and vitamin d dificiencies

by Barbie Williams
(New York)

i was in an accident march 2008 and had 7 surgeries within 9 months that year,and wound up in the hospital for a month w/ a staff infection in jan 2009. in july 2009 i took a 45 min nap woke up and couldnt talk at all i had to write. brain scans showed about 40 or so spots on my brain. i was put on a 5 day 2hr iv steroid. it made me jaundice and way worse- my husband went to the health food and got a combination detox 'drops + pills' for me. i started feeling better after 2 days taking them. i had to retrain myself to speak more slowly and carefully,i still sound to people ive known my whole life like im from russia or something like it. my dr had me do another mri brain scan 2011 and the spots decreased to about 10 . im told over and over by nurologists that doesnt happen. 2 other syptoms i had before my speech went in the beginning were swollen gland in my left armpit and blisters in my mouth not canker sores slightly raised and slightly lighter than the inside of my lips and cheek where they were.they say they're not ms symptoms and i have no muscle weakness on either side and no decreased vision other symptoms just the speech.i have not taken any ms medications to date.

---could i be misdiagnosed ??????

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You don't say whether or with what you were diagnosed
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

You don't actually SAY what you were diagnosed with or that you were diagnosed at all. You ask about MS Symptoms and spots on your spine, but you don't say that you were actually diagnosed with anything, so I don't know whether you could be misdiagnosed or not.

In any case, I think that nearly EVERY chronic 'uncurable' disease is either misdiagnosed or can be almost completely reversed by reversing the conditions that caused it in the first place.

So, in any case, it sounds like you have been told that you might have some neurologic problem, so I suggest that you read my pages on:

Mental Changes from B12 Deficiency


MS and Vitamin D

Also, you may be interested in learning more about the effects of Gluten Sensitivity. One of the symptoms is something called Apthous Ulcers, which may be the 'bumps' that you have in your mouth that you are sure are not canker sores.

Since I don't know what you have, I don't really have an opinion about what, if anything, these things have to do with you. But if you read these pages, maybe they will be food for thought for you.

If you DO have MS, then you should also get The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles. It was written by a medical doctor who reversed her own MS after having traditional medicine fail her, leaving her completely disabled despite doing all of the 'cutting edge' medical treatments.

Kerri Knox, RN

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