Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Related to Vitamin D Deficiency

by DancersFriend

Is vitamin D deficiency connected to

reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

I have a friend who suffers from it after years of multiple injuries to her feet and legs....a ballet dancer, from her years of dance, and since then..
and she is in constant pain.

ANY advice?

Many thanks.

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No Connection, but...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Friend,

No, there is no connection specifically between reflex sympathetic dystrophy and Vitamin D deficiency, but there IS a connection between pain in general and vitamin d deficiency. Please read my page on Vitamin D and Pain.

So, if she wants to, she can petition vitamin d researchers to do studies on RSD, try to get a congressional audience to see if the federal government will fund studies for this and suffer for the next 20 years to find out if there is a specific connection between the two.

OR she can simply go to my page on Vitamin D Therapy, follow the step by step directions and keep her vitamin d level in the optimal range for the next 6 months and find out if her pain is due to vitamin d deficiency.

I know what I'd do...

Kerri Knox, RN

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