How many tablets does it take to equal 800,000 iu of Vitamin D?

by Christie
(Happy Valley,OR)

My dr. wants me to take 800,000 iu of Vitamin D/day along with Ca 1500mg. If all the tabs of Vitamin D are 5,000 IU, it seems like I'd have to take the whole bottle in order to reach 800,000 iu. Can you recommend a vitamin d that has this much iu or point me in the right direction?

Comments for How many tablets does it take to equal 800,000 iu of Vitamin D?

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He does NOT want you to take 800,000 IU's per day
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

NO doctor is going to tell you to take 800,000 IU's per day. MAYBE they would tell you to take 800,000 IU's of vitamin d ONCE, but not every day...

Please see my page on Vitamin D Therapy to see how to correct your vitamin d deficiency appropriately.

Kerri Knox, RN

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