by Karen Robertson
(Scotland, UK)
My 18 year old son was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital in June this year following 18 years of ill health. Diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome at nine years. He has always been a very poor eater, eating no meat. We came away with answers. He was copper deficien which is unusual with a copper reading of 8.03umol/Ul (ref range 11-22) but I've managed to get his copper levels ups over the past four months. No change in sympt-oms. He has cracks in the corners of his mouth, mouth ulcers, just moons on 2 finger nails, numbness in fingers, fatigue, he had depression and is always ill with infections. His high folate reading of 686ug/L(ref range 119-519)makes me wonder if this is due to a B12 deficiency. A life time 0f a poor diet and possible methylation cycle block makes me question he has a B12 deficiency.
Comments for High Folate Serum Blood Reading = B12 deficiency/functional B12 deficiency