H Pylori Eradication Results
by Joanne Munro
Hi Kerry~
Thanks so much for your informative publication-I read the entire e-book and found it very helpful. I also ordered additional supplements from your site. I am also working with a functional ND
I recognize that you cannot make medication recommendations but I was hopeful you could advise me regarding next steps. Prior to my H Pylori diagnosis, I was treating my leaky gut with many of your suggested supplements including vitamin D, selenium, DHL and Glutashield. I have also ordered GI Revive and L-Carnosine to heal my gut.
I completed the antibiotic regimen prior to getting your e-book and the symptoms had completely resolved for almost 3 weeks. Then a few days ago I started feeling very nauseous again with similar digestion problems. So distressing that I needed to resume taking the Omeprazole to function daily.
1) I'm not sure whether I am not producing enough stomach acid-but am fearful that the Omeprazole may impede my healing-any suggestions?
2) I'm not sure whether the H Pylori is causing the symptoms-but I should still wait the 30 days to re-take the stool analysis test right?
I really value and appreciate your time-any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you~
Joanne Munro