Does Body Need Rest from Supplements?

by Charlie
(Monterrey, MEX)

Hi Kerri,

I have known that after taking supplements during some time, you have to give you body a rest from that extra load of nutrients. Namely, you have to stop taking them.

So, I would like to know what you think about this.

(I learned from your book that Omega 3 can be taken for life)

Thanks in advance.

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Rest from supplements
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen

Hi Charlie,

Well, I think that is a very good question. Unfortunately, it would be one that would be very personalized for each person. I think that someone who feels well and healthy might want to stop them on and off, but I doubt that there would be any hard and fast rule for this.

However, someone who is ill, in pain, has weakness, etc. would probably not need a rest because they are not 'overloaded with nutrients'. Also, one who has taken supplements for a long time, even if they are ill, might want to back off of some supplements to see if:

A) They are really helping and
B) That they are not causing any of the problems.

While it's rare that supplements would cause worse symptoms that you might not know about, it's a possibility, and if you've been on supplements for a long time without getting any better, it might be worth a try getting off of them.

Vitamin D can be taken in large doses intermittently, even once every 3 months, so that is not an issue. However, one should keep their vitamin d level in optimum range for life too. But if one has access to sunshine that is able to tan them and they can spend time in it, they could substitute sun for vitamin d, for instance.

So, I think it's very personal and you'd just have to make that decision based on intuition. There's no 'rule' and no research for me to be able to give you any guidance.

Kerri Knox, RN

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