D-Mannose for Prostatitis

by Charlie
(Monterrey, NL, Mexico)

Hi Kerri,

I learned from your website that D-Mannose is a natural treatment for cystitis.

Does D-Mannose work for prostate infections too???

If it does, is there a difference between capsules and powder of D-Mannose??? (I was wondering if one presentation is more effective than the other)

Thanks in advance!

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by: Kerri

Hi Charlie,

The way that D-mannose works is that it makes the bladder slippery, which does not allow the E-coli bacteria to stick to the bladder.

SOOOO, it doesn't actually KILL any bacteria, and it possibly works best or only for e-coli infections. Potentially it COULD keep the ecoli from sticking to the prostate and therefore could help, but that assumes that your prostatitis is due to ecoli which, sometimes it is. Many times, chronic prostatitis is actually a fungal infection.

Since D-mannose is so benign, and it's pretty cheap, it might be worth a try. If you don't notice any difference after a week or 10 days, it probably won't be of any help.

Kerri Knox, RN

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