D3 with Vitamin K- Should we have this combination?

I'm confused..I take a 2000iu of D3 daily. Should I be taking a combined D3 with vitamin k and if yes, what k would that be..K2, K7..what are the differences?. My doctor never said anything about looking for a combined D3 and K but from my own research online, some articles say you should. Thanks so much!!!

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You're getting too confused
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

OK, so first of all, if you want to be worried about something, the most important thing to worry about in this case is to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin d. If you are doing reading, and if you would have read more extensively on my site, you would have found that 2000 IU's is not a proper maintenance dose for an adult. So, I'm not sure how you came to the decision to take 2000 IU's, but I suggest that you read and follow the step-by-step instructions to becoming vitamin d sufficient on my Immune System Health.

Next, you are getting mixed up with 'should be sufficient in' and 'you need to take supplements for'. So, YES, you should be 'sufficient' in vitamin k while taking vitamin d, but do you need to take vitamin k supplements? I don't know. However, you also need to be sufficient in magnesium and vitamin a as well- and probably a whole bunch of other things that we don't know about too.

So, if you are going to be considering supplements to take with your vitamin d, first you should read my page on Magnesium and Vitamin D, which I find to be the most important nutrient that people are deficient in and which does require supplementation in many cases in order to prevent side effects.

But your question is valid and is exactly the reason why I always recommend that my clients are taking a HIGH QUALITY multivitamin and mineral supplement such as Beyond Any Multiple which contains natural Vitamin K and magnesium, in order to 'cover' yourself for anything that you may be missing and that might cause you to have problems when you take vitamin d. Besides, do you REALLY think that if you are deficient in vitamin d, then that is the ONLY vitamin that you are deficient in? That is unlikely to be the case.

You should also take vitamin d with your largest meal of the day, and you should never never be eating 'Vegetable Oils' such as canola oil, safflower oil, soy oil or other processed shelf stable oils while taking vitamin d either- and they certainly should not be IN your vitamin D capsules, which is why I offer a 'dry' (no oil) Vitamin D Supplement.

Kerri Knox, RN

by: Liza

I'm taking 2000iu based on what my doctor said I should take several few months ago. I was supposed to have a follow up already and get retested but I wasn't able to make it that day but I am planning on getting my D3 test done again so I know where I stand but in the meantime based on my last numbers and what the doctor said, I wanted to stay with the 2000iu until I know more.

Thanks again for clarifying and also what are your thoughts about using D3 in extra virgin olive oil?. I've read many articles that say D3 is best absorbed in an oil as opposed to a dry form?. Thanks again!.

It's best absorbed with fat
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Again, you are confusing 'should be taken in your supplement' with taken with. Period. Yes, vitamin d is best absorbed with fat. But that does not necessarily mean your supplement needs to contain fat. That is why I recommend taking it with your main meal (which will inevitably contain fat). I do not recommend taking supplements that have fat IN them because almost certainly the fat is rancid.

Olive oil goes rancid quite quickly and needs to be bought directly from a distributor and kept in your refrigerator for it to last any length of time. The reason that most olive oils do not taste rancid after they have been sitting on your counter at room temperature for 6 months is because almost all store bought olive oils have trans-fats added in order to make them last longer and not go rancid.

If you want to consume trans-fats (one of the worst substances for your health that you can possibly consume) OR you know that the olive oil in the supplement is direct from the distributor and free of trans-fats and has been kept under refrigerated conditions and is not rancid in the supplement, then by all means take the supplement with olive oil.

But otherwise, this is why I recommend taking a vitamin d supplement that is 'dry' and to take it with your largest meal of the day.

Kerri Knox, RN

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