Can I lose significant Vitamin D from making babies and breastfeeding?

by Mrs. Henderson

I am a 44 y.o. mother of two boys: 7 & 5. I took pre-natals during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I breastfed both kids for 2+ years. The first into my 2nd pregnancy (3 months) and the 2nd until he was 27 months. I suffered from PPD and feel like I've never really recovered from having my 2nd child. A physician did blood work, because I was worried about maybe having a thyroid problem, and found very low levels of Vitamin D (16). He put me on a weekly 50,000 mg vit. D supplement and (after 2 months) I am FINALLY starting to feel like myself again. I'm thinking it must have been the baby making and the breastfeeding that got my levels so low. Am I right? Thanks in advance :-)

Mrs. Henderson

Comments for Can I lose significant Vitamin D from making babies and breastfeeding?

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Why would you have been sufficient BEFORE the children?
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

I've actually answered this questions DOZENS of times on this site and the answer is a huge NO NO NO. You did NOT become deficient due to having children.

If you think that I'm wrong, please answer me these questions:

1) Where did you get your vitamin d BEFORE you ever got pregnant in the first place?

2) If you believe that you were sufficient before you ever got pregnant, then please explain why..

3) How much Vitamin D does the 'average' non-pregnant woman need per day?

4) How much vitamin d did you take before you got pregnant?

5) How much vitamin d was in your prenatal vitamins?

And because you didn't think about these issues BEFORE you got pregnant, you went through your entire pregnancies deficient, which means that your children were deficient throughout your pregnancy. What effect do you think that this might have on them throughout their life?

I don't ask this to make you feel bad, but in order to get you to understand that you need FAR FAR FAR more Vitamin d than you think that you need and to bring awareness to the long term effects of this on both YOU and your children.

Kerri Knox, RN

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