Body Burning all Over

by Felice
(Florida )

I was pretty much following your protocol and then got sidetracked with depression and not feeling any better- Besides all the joint and tendon pain, I also have very intense burning pain all through my body. Have you worked with any others who have had this symptom? I am going to follow your protocol again- I have been taking a lot of vitamins, eating correctly, detoxing, but now my pain is absolutely severe. I am thinking of ordering the organix profile test and then having a phone consultation with you. Or Should I have a consultation with you first?


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Do the Organix Profile First...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Felice,

So, I don't really know what that means when you say that you are "taking a lot of vitamins [and] eating correctly". That can mean many many different things. It would be more helpful to know EXACTLY what regimen of vitamins that you are on and exactly what you are eating (for example: a 100% whole food, 100% organic gluten free diet with all grass fed meats, animal protein with every meal, several tablespoons of butter or coconut oil with each meal and zero% processed foods- which is the ideal for you to be on. OR is your definition of 'eating correctly' a raw vegan diet or following the food pyramid? Everyone's definition of 'eating correctly' is ENTIRELY different and the vast majority who tell me that they are eating correctly are eating anything BUT correctly).

In any case, the body burning pain that you are experiencing is known as Neuropathy. Most people experience Peripheral Neuropathy, which you can read about by clicking the blue underlined link that says Peripheral Neuropathy, and not all over neuropathy, but it's the same principle and is generally a combination of Oxidative Stress, that I talk about extensively in the book, and vitamin deficiencies- most often B vitamin deficiencies, and most commonly is a Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptom.

So, while it's almost certainly a vitamin deficiency, if you are going to get the Organix profile done, you want to be off all vitamins for about a week anyway- and especially not be taking any Vitamin B12. And if you do want to get the Organix profile, it would be best to order the consult at the same time as the Organix, but do the consult as soon as the results of the Organix come back...

I know that this wasn't very specific, but without knowing more specifics, it's hard to help more.

Oh, one last thought about all over body burning. It can ALSO be caused by hyperventilation as well! If you kind of feel panicky all of the time, you could simply be hyperventilating and just need a TON more magnesium to get calmed down and breathe into a paper bag (really!) in order to build up your CO2 and stop the burning. That may or may not be your problem, but it's a common symptom with hyperventilation/panic attacks and I thought that I'd mention it.

Kerri Knox RN

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

burning from levaquin
by: Felice

Thanks for the quick response Kerri.I am sure my good eating doesn't exactly meet the standards but it is a lot better than it was. When I first took the drug, I ate no meat, maybe some chicken or eggs once in a while, salads,bad carbs, junk, vodka once a day, diet soda, coffee. Bad huh??

Well now I don't eat any sugar,any diet stuff,any bad carbs, and any alcohol and eat all antibiotic free meat, fruits and veggies. I don't eat too much though.I lost my appetite a lot lately but try to get eggs in, whey protein drinks twice a day, herb salad with carrots, nuts, flax sees, some fage yougurt,some organic veggies and maybe millet bread.(of course not all in one day) Plus drink tons of spring water. Tried glutathione iv's too- 5x but doc couldn't get them in my veins and then needle would go under skin and burn like crazy and blow my hand up!I took blood tests and metal tests from a nutritionist about a month after taking the drug and found I had an iron level of only 17- so then went on iron vitamins.

Later found out that low iron was caused by levaquin, not because I was anemic before it. Anyway, gave me tons of vitamins and told me to eat meat and whey protein. Then I went on your regimen of vitamins too- did all this for about 3 months- only kept getting worse, so gave up on a lot of the vitamins like a month ago. Have been on a lot of different web sites and everybody claims different things work and don't work. Obviously I am going a little crazy. Very depressed- however managed to teach second grade through all this- Oh, I took the drug 5 and half months ago. Sometimes I just feel like ending it all from the pain, but keep pushing on cause I am a single mom and my son needs me.

I have tried the B12 vitamins- high doses on and off with no relief- probably didn't give them enough time but got scared cause some people on the sites said it made them worse. I know this drug damages dna and cells- I just hope I can heal my body with your help so I can either recover completely or at least feel a lot better. Maybe I should stop the vitamins and do the organix profile first so we know where my body is at this time.

Do I fax you the results? I am going to try the paper bag breathing too- Yes, I am always in a state of panic over this- very scared and alone!

levaquin damage
by: Felice

I forgot to adding that I have numbing in my hands now. Also, I have been adding cell food for oxygen to my water along with vitamin c powder.

I'll fax YOU the results!
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Felice,

When the results come back on the Organix profile, I'll actually Fax YOU the results because they come to me first!

Have you had a vitamin d level done?

Very important to make sure that is not the cause. Also, if you really are in a state of panic all the time, then it's EXTRAORDINARILY likely that you are not getting enough magnesium. Are you trying warm epsom salt baths when you are feeling panicky? They can really help.

Also, please be sure to read my page on Magnesium Absorption. Especially take note of the part about Vitamin B6 as being necessary to absorb magnesium AND the part about getting enough FAT. The diet you describes sounds almost completely devoid of fat! And fat is required to activate magnesium.

ADD FAT. Lots of it. Eat twice as much fat as you think that you should. Adding an avocado into each protein shake is a yummy and easy way to add some healthy fat and makes the shake really creamy and nice without an avocado flavor at all.

LOTS of butter (organic only, preferably raw and cultured if you can), SLATHER the butter onto eggs and your millet bread, etc. Drizzle tablespoons of it over your vegetables....

You can start adding the fat before you do the Organix, it won't hurt anything. And trying the epsom salts now is a good idea too. You still sound EXTREMELY magnesium deficient to me....

Kerri Knox RN

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

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