AM or PM?

by michel
(rochester ny)

Does it matter if I take B12 in the morning or at night? How soon after I start taken B12 will I feel the change?

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Doesn't Matter
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

It doesn't matter whether you take it morning or night. But you may NEVER feel any different taking Vitamin B12. It depends upon whether you have symptoms or not, if you feel fine, then it's doubtful that you'll feel anything.

If you DO have symptoms then it depends upon whether those symptoms are due to vitamin b12 deficiency or not. If they are not, then you'll likely not feel anything.

If you DO have symptoms and they are due to Vitamin B12 deficiency, then if you don't take the right dose, then you might not feel anything.

If you DO have symptoms, they are due to Vitamin B12 deficiency, and you take the right dose, you may STILL not feel anything if you don't take the right kind or take the right kind by the right route.

So, without knowing anything about you, there is no way to know even if taking vitamin b12 will make you feel ANYTHING, let along speculate on how long it might take for you to feel something if you are going to.

Kerri Knox, RN

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