Alcohol and H Pylori

by DD

I have bought the e-book and read about the preparation period before beginning with antibiotics or the herbal cure. I'm totally on board with that and very happy I came across this valuable information, so thank you for that!

My question involves drinking alcohol during the preparation period. I am by own admission a functioning alcoholic (I rarely get blitzed drunk but do drink every day), and I suspect that's a big part of the reason I have tested positive for H Pylori in the first place. But stopping cold turkey with drinking is not appealing in the least to me.

Although I'm definitely prepared to do that during the protocol period. Is there an anti-depressant or another type of pill you can take that helps to ease alcohol addiction? I want to drink less but I feel like I'm fighting on several fronts here. Your feedback is very appreciated!

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Nov 25, 2017
Very difficult to answer
by: Kerri Knox

That you are trying to quit is commendable, and you may never eliminate the H pylori if you don't because it's weakening your immune system and taking the place of nutrients you need.

But I honestly have no idea about this topic. I'd speak to your doctor and see if you can get some help with that, as I am completely unequipped to help with that question.

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