Comments for Vitamin D & Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome and you..
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Health Queen!

Hi Mona,

I've been wanting to address this subject for a while, so I decided to turn this into a blog post rather than just a quick answer.

Here is the link.

Fibromyalgia: Syndrome or Disease..

I hope that this helps to answer your questions.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

vit D
by: Yary

Hi, i was diagnosed with Symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and all im taking is Vitamin D.

That's what the doc said to take.

Vitamin D
by: dash

It sounds to me like Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is also a hormone, so it is absolutely necessary for all things to function well together. Doctors have not caught up to all the vitamin and mineral information and those doctors that do, are often let go, like my very own GP.

If your levels are low, get the Vitamin D and it should help all things. Wouldn't it be interesting if it helps all the pain you have?

I sure can see where a low level can mess one up. It is a safer route to go than many medications. My opinion only.... and I am not a medical person, but I would rather get all my vitamins and minerals into balance first and then see how I feel, than treat the symptoms hit and miss .................any day.....


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