Pregnant with Vitamin D Deficiency

by Debbie Wynn
(Delray Beach, Florida)

What to Do When You are Pregnant with Vitamin D Deficiency

What to Do When You are Pregnant with Vitamin D Deficiency

I have chronic Vitamin D deficiency. For the past year I have taken all kinds of supplements and have not been able to get it higher than 20. I have been on a weekly regimen of 50,000 IU for 3 months just to find out a month later that my level was 16.

After that I switched to the OTC form taking 2,000 IU a day for 2 months and it only went up to 19. Now I am pregnant and really concerned about the consequences for my health and my baby's.

Nothing seems to work. I have Hashimoto's and have tested positive for ANA antibodies at some point. If this could be the culprit is there anything I can do?

I live in Florida and get lots of sunshine....

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12 Weeks Pregnant with Vitamin D Deficiency

I am almost 13 weeks pregnant and I got a call today from my OB/GYN that my Vitamin D levels were low and she is going to put me on a supplement to take 1x per week for 8 weeks then test my levels again 2 weeks after I finish.

I have never had this problem before nor with my last 2 pregnancies. I asked her what was causing it and she said being pregnant. Then shouldn't all pregnant women be vitamin D deficient? Is there anything dangerous that could happen to me or my baby from not having enough vit. D? I am very worried.

I am waiting for her to call in my prescription and just don't know why I'm having this deficiency??

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Vitamin D Deficiency and pregnancy

by Libby

I'm a 26 years old female and my vitamin d level is 15 ng/ml. Besides feeling tired all the time and having digestion problems and stomach pains. I am currently trying to become pregnant and its taking a while.

I would like to know if my vitamin D deficiency might be a reason for these problems.

question #2: my b12 level is also low does it have any connection to vitamin D? if so how can I improve.


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Vitamin D Levels and Pregnancy

by Lisa
(Atlanta, Ga USA)

Photo by Future Street

My vitamin D level is 102.1 ng/ml. I had been taking prenatal vitamins with viactiv supplements (2) upon my physicians approval. I'm worried that it is too high and harmful to the baby.

After finding out that it's possible to take too much vitamin D I stopped but now I'm worried about the harmful effects and how should I proceed with my diet from this point on.

Should i stop drinking milk and all Vitamin D to bring the level down?

How long will it take to bring it down?

Thanks so much for your reply.

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Vitamin D Deficiency in Early Pregnancy

by waldo zeun
(oneida, ny/usa)

I think I read somewhere it was noted that in early pregnancy Vitamin D Deficiency of the mother that the infant born of that pregnancy was more likely to develop carious teeth (get more cavities) than the infant of a non vitamin d deficient pregnancy.

Could you help me find the research for this?

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vitamin D while pregnant or breastfeeding

by Heather

You NEED Vitamin D While Breastfeeding!

You NEED Vitamin D While Breastfeeding!

I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my 5 month old. I would like to take vitamin D3 50,000 units weekly and a vitamin K 100 mcg weekly. I believe that this will be beneficial for me as well as my 5 month old. Are there any known Vitamin D Contraindications for this during pregnancy? Just for future reference.

Photo by Viralbus

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Vitamin D level during pregnancy

by Anitha

Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy

Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy

I have tested for Vitamin D deficiency and found out to be 17.1. My doctor prescribed me a dose of 50,000IU per week for 6 weeks.

I am planning to conceive and taking my prenatal which has 400IU of Vitamin D3 in it. Also it seems that the prescription vitamin has D2 in it,instead of D3.

What should I do,is the dosage safe during pregnancy?



Hi Anitha,

It's much safer to take high doses of vitamin d during pregnancy than to be vitamin d deficient during pregnancy!!

So, I would suggest that you take the same dose that your doctor recommends, but replace it with Vitamin D3 Supplements instead of taking that Prescription Vitamin D which, as you suggested, is NOT what you should be taking.

You can also safely take your prenatal vitamins at the same time, the amount of vitamin d in your prenatals will NOT cause you to overdose when you take it with the high dose vitamin d your doctor recommends.

Just be sure to get your level drawn again in 3 months- and you MAY want to consider waiting to get pregnant just a couple of months until your levels are within the normal limits.

If you take a look at my page on Vitamin D during Pregnancy, you'll see that there are LOTS of reasons to be vitamin d sufficient during pregnancy.

Will waiting 2 or 3 months make a difference in your baby's health? Who knows, but if it could, would you wait?

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


PS: If you found this website helpful, please consider using the
Easy Immune Health Product Store the next time you purchase your supplements online. Your support allows me to keep this site running and educating as many people as possible. Thank you!

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Vitamin D3 during 1 trimester pregnancy

by Line Gustavsen
(Portugal (Norway))

I am a little concerned because I found out I am pregnant and I have been taking vitamin D3 between aprox 2500- 4000 ul a day the last 2 months. That is the same time of my pregnancy, approx 8 weeks. I understand that there is a debate on the doses for vitamin D during pregnancy.

The doctor I went to see didnt help much, she just said that it is not recomended to take it during pregnancy and wheater the birth defects would appear or not we would have to wait and see, probably it would go fine, but she could say anything more, Neither she was interested in sending me to check the calsium. I will do that myself.

Could it however be possible to get an opinion from you about this ?
Do you think it is it likely to cause serious defects on fetus in this early stage of pregnancy?

I stopped taking the vitamin D 3 now and will only continue with a smaller dose later on, as I know it is important for the development of the child.

Right now I feel a little bit like I have been drinking during pregnancy or something..
Thank you for youre time.
Kind regards from Line GUstavsen and husband.

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Pregnant with vitamin D deficiency and did get the first injection

by Sherifah
(Kuwait city,Kuwait)

I am 32 years old and I'm pregnant at 24 weeks.
I was diagnosed at 21 weeks with vitamin D deficiency (4 ng/ml).

The OBGYN doctor prescribed me a three course of Vitamin D Injections, one every month. I got my injection three weeks ago, and I'll get my second injection on 18th of this month, so two more left.

I am worried about taking the rest of them after reading your article. Should I stop them? Is it ok to continue the two more injection every month? Is it safe for my baby?

please advice me
thank you

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