Comments for Vitamin D And Forteo for Osteoporosis

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No one is right in this case..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Lisa,

Wow! It seems like neither doctor really knows what they are doing. There are many things wrong with this picture:

First: Vitamin D isn't given based on the results of a bone density scan, but on the basis of a Vitamin D Test. Doctors have a 'standard of care' to follow and it is NOT standard of care to give high dose Vitamin D based on a bone density scan.

Second: If your doctor is of the opinion that Vitamin D will help your osteoporosis, why did he put you on potentially dangerous drugs FIRST, when there is PLENTY of evidence that Vitamin D and Calcium helps to increase bone mineral density and when studies show that Over Half of North American Women Receiving Osteoporosis Treatment are Vitamin D Deficient. It it his practice to leave his patients Vitamin D Deficient DURING osteoporosis treatment? That is NOT good practice.

Third: Why is he giving you prescription Vitamin D at ALL when researchers say that Prescription Vitamin D is Not Suitable for Supplementation!.

So, my advice is: Do not take ANY MORE vitamin D until you get a vitamin D level drawn- not because the dose that you were given is too much (it's NOT too much), but because your doctors have NO IDEA what your Vitamin D Level is and therefore if they give you Vitamin D, they have no idea:

1) What dose to give you

2) Whether the dose that they are giving you is being absorbed and bringing up your levels adequately.

So, it is NOT a standard of care to give high dose Vitamin D Based on Bone Mineral Density exams- ONLY Vitamin D Levels. While I appreciate their wanting to give you Vitamin D, they are not going about it the way that they are supposed to. Please do not take any more Vitamin D until you have your Vitamin D Level drawn and please reconsider taking that Prescription Vitamin D and instead getting on Vitamin D3 Supplements.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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