Vitamin B12 and Cholesterol Medication

by cecelia
(bessemer , nc us)

i take 80mg of pravastatin for colesterol can i take the vitamin b-12 with this medication?

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Why would you want to take cholesterol medicine
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Cecelia,

Why would you want to be on cholesterol medication. High cholesterol is:

1) Often not a problem in the least
2) If it truly is a problem, it's a SYMPTOM of a problem and not a problem

Do you think that you have high cholesterol because of a pravastatin deficiency?? Probably not. There is a REASON why you have high cholesterol. cholesterol is an ANTIOXIDANT and is there to protect you from whatever DAMAGE you are doing to yourself.

Doesn't it make more sense to eliminate the DAMAGE that you are doing to yourself and bring down your cholesterol level by eliminating the PROBLEM, not by eliminating the symptom that is there to protect you.

Please get and read The Great Cholesterol Lie and get your eyes opened to the truth about cholesterol..

Kerri Knox, RN

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