Milk and Sugar Cravings From Gluten Sensitivity

What Can I Do About these Milk and Sugar Cravings?

What Can I Do About these Milk and Sugar Cravings?

I have a gluten sensativity and I do crave milk and sugar which I didnt realise until reading this that this is a part of the condition. Please tell me how to get rid of the cravings and how to lose weight.

Photo by Benson Kua

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Cravings and Losing Weight!
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Wow! That's a lot to ask of little ol' me: fixing your cravings and losing weight?! Whew! There are about 10,000 sites on the internet that will claim to do just that.

But the one piece of advice that I can give you is that your cravings are a sign that you are MALNOURISHED! While most people in the western world think of malnourished as those little kids with sticking out stomachs and flies buzzing around their mouth.

While those kids ARE malnourished in Calories as well as nutrients, most westerners- especially if you have a health issue- have plenty of calories, so are not skinny and dying. But we have NUTRIENT malnutrition. It makes us hungry even though we are already overweight, and it makes us crave junk food to get quick calories with the belief that we will get more nourishment.

So, to get out of this cycle, we need to get NOURISHED!! And with the food that we have, almost all of us need to take a High Quality Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement. There is just no way around that.

I would also encourage you to get the Real Food Summit to get you on the path to eating the RIGHT way for good health.

Stop trying to diet!! Get nourished and start eating REAL foods that are whole and healthy and right for YOU!!

Hope that this helped!

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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