Large doses of 1 B-Vit cause deficiencies in other B-Vits

by Theresa Harvey
(Clarksville, AR USA)

Rather than a question, this is a request. It would be helpful to let people know that, when taking large doses of any of the B Vitamins it's an excellent idea to also supplement with a good B Complex. Since this group is synergistic, and lots of one of them will deplete some of the others, as working together pulls them all into action.


Comments for Large doses of 1 B-Vit cause deficiencies in other B-Vits

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My request
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Sita,

While I appreciate the sentiment, my request to you would be to read my site more thoroughly before you 'make a request' such as this.

I have probably 2000 questions that I've answered as well as about 500 fixed pages on my site. I mention the need to take a high quality multivitamin to cover the possibility of some vitamins requiring other vitamins and that no one should take single vitamins and expect that to fix their problems probably 1000 times.

You could also say that I don't say to make sure that people drink filtered water or only eat organic vegetables and grass fed animal products because you don't see it on a post, or any number of things that I don't mention on every post with every person but that is there on my site.

There are THOUSANDS of components to good health, it would be impossible and counterproductive to list them all or to list every caution with every vitamin that anyone takes on every post. My answers and my pages would be full of repetitive and useless information that no one would read and they would become even more confused.

That is why I also provide a forum, then people like you can comment on things. But to 'make a request of me' as if I've not mentioned these issues is insulting to me when I've spent thousands of hours helping people, answering their questions and mentioning things like this over and over and over and over on a daily basis, but you didn't bother to read over my site before assuming that I neglect to mention something.

Good day.

Kerri Knox, RN

by: Malik

Can you recommend a good quality multivitamin? I used to take well woman.

Yes, I can
by: Kerri

You can use Jigsaw Health's Essential Daily Packs

or the one that I recommend at my High Quality Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement page.

Kerri Knox,RN

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