Injections to oral ?

by Penny
(Vilonia, AR. USA)

I have been taking B12 injections for a cpl yrs. Will I ever be able to just take oral or is this for a life time now?


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I've discussed this
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

I've discussed this several times before. Please see my page on B12 Shot Side Effects.

And you might be interested in actually trying to figure out WHY you all of a sudden have low vitamin b12 levels by reading my page on Vitamin B12 Malabsorption. Having low vitamin b12 levels is not just some 'random' problem. There is a REASON why you are not absorbing vitamin b12 and instead of just taking shots for the rest of your life, you might want to figure out WHY you are not absorbing this nutrient and possibly many others that your doctor is NOT testing you for.

Kerri Knox, RN

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