Finished 50,000iu Vitamin D3, 3x per week, now feel horrible again

by Alexandria
(Rochester, NY, USA)

My doctor put me on a prescription of Vitamin D3 50,000iu three times a week for three months. I felt the best I did in five years. I was struggling with weight gain, and being tired before the prescription for five years.

I went off it the prescription in 5/2010, was re-tested in 7/2010 and my vitamin level was normal. My question is, for the past two months (since I have been off prescription) why am I now all of a sudden gaining weight again, and feeling so tired if my vitamin d level is back up to normal?

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Aug 06, 2010
What's Your Vitamin D Level Right Now...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Alexandria,

I'm glad that you found out what's going on with you, but there are several problems with your situation.

First: Please read my page on Normal Vitamin D Levels. Your doctor's idea of a 'normal' vitamin D level is probably the same as what it says on the laboratory sheet which is far less than the 'optimal' vitamin d levels that researchers recommend.

So, most likely, your doctor was happy with a level of 30 ng/ml (the lowest level on most lab sheets), but you had stopped taking vitamin d in May and did a level two months later. So, it's likely that you felt great with a level of 40 or 50, you did a level and it was 30 and now another month later (when it's probably below 30 now) you're feeling bad again!!

So, getting your level up and then not giving you more vitamin d every day would be equivalent to running out of gas, filling up your gas tank and then running out of gas again and then saying, "But I filled up my tank last month, why would I be out of gas again."

Just like a gas tank, you need a constant infusion of vitamin D, not a once in a lifetime fill-up.

Second: Please read my page on Vitamin D Requirements and you'll see that you need to be taking between 3800 to 5000 IU's per day to meet your daily needs. Why your doctor wouldn't put you on a daily dose is beyond my comprehension and is complete negligence.

Third: Your doctor used Prescription Vitamin D, which is NOT recommended and has a shorter half-life than Vitamin D3 Supplements. That means that their effects wear off quicker.

So, please get Vitamin D3 Supplements and get on a daily dose.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System


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