Fibromyalgia, Irritable bowel syndrome, vit D, Calcium, Magnesium complications to digestion.

I suffer from fibromyalgia, IBS and have a vitimin D deficiency. Also had complete hystorectomy at age 34 (now 59)at which time I started on 1000mg of calcium and have been on it ever since. I have taken vit D for the last 2 years and zantac or pepcid. I had started having horrible lower body night time then gradually day time muscle cramps so my doctor reccomended 500mg. Magnesium this past month. It helped but...

My severe IBS which I have had since a child has always governed what I can eat and also the medicines and vitimins I can take. Calcium (of which I have tried them all) has always caused stomach issues, gas, blotting, indigestion etc. Now the addition of D in the past couple of years has made it worse to the point I had a sonigram to rule out gallbladder attacks and with the new addition of Magnesium this past month I am at my limit again with the chronic IBS as I have upper/lower gas and severe blotting and pain, vomiting, constipation/diarehha, as of today unable to eat anything except plain toast.
I always research all meds/vits for side effects because of my IBS and know that all these vitimins can cause gastro intestestinal issues in certain forms (Pills vs. liquid vs inactive ingrediants etc).
Are there any of these forms of vitimins that are easier on the gut then others?
HELP, as upon reading your articles on fibromyalgia NO DOCTOR has ever discussed vitimin therapy with me since I was diagnosed 24 years ago and I find this very exciting except for the horrific gastric side effects.
I currently take Duzac60mg. generic for Cymbalta. Mutiple vitimin, VitD 600iu, Calcium 500mg, Magnesium 500mg, and Acidophilus. For pain relief I can only take tylenol.
I am so glad I found your website and I hope you can help me. Thank You.

Kaye Nolan

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Classic Gluten Sensitivity
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Kaye,

First of all, you don't say how much vitamin d that you are on or what your level is. Taking 'some' vitamin d for two years or twenty years is worthless if it's not enough to bring your levels up to normal.

Please read my page on Vitamin D Therapy and follow the directions to bring your vitamin d level up to the optimal range.

Next, you have a classic case of almost certain gluten sensitivity. Supplements, etc. are going to do you little to no good if your digestive tract is so inflamed from the foods that you are eating that the supplements can't be absorbed.

Please read my page on

Gluten Sensitivity to see how it relates to many of your symptoms. Also, I suspect that you still need to eliminate many 'inflammatory' foods. I highly suggest that you get the book The Healthy Urban Kitchen for an anti-inflammatory diet plan that you can live with for the rest of your life. Your first priority should be to eliminate the massive inflammation that is in your gut.

Kerri Knox, RN

IBS and Fibromyalgia
by: Tracie

Try cutting out gluten from your diet , it has worked for me.

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