D3 Overdose at fairly low level

by Richard
(Madison, CT, USA)

Vitamin D Overdose at Low Levels?

Vitamin D Overdose at Low Levels?

My Wife and I have been taking a One-A-Day vitamin and an additional Vitamin D3 supplement.

I have been taking 1000IU vD3 because my Mens One-A-Day only has 400IU.

My Wife has been taking 400IU vD3 because her Women's One-A-Day has 800IU of D3.... We have both overdosed after a couple of months. I had the dry mouth and my Wife had the upper stomach pain/back pain symptom.

We are now trying to figure out a correct amount to take after being poisoned. I have seen all the white spots on my fingernails disappear so I know it works I just don't want to overdose. With all the information about how much to take daily this seems like a low dose we took. I am thinking that maybe I should take on pill every 2 or 3 days instead of once a day.

Please help.

Photo by Chris in Plymouth

Comments for D3 Overdose at fairly low level

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Overdose on less than 2000 IU's per day
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Health Queen!

Hi Richard,

If both you AND your wife overdosed on Vitamin D with less than 2000 IU's per day each, then you are both complete MEDICAL MIRACLES because it has NEVER EVER happened before.

There has never even been a CHILD that has overdosed at the doses that you are taking, so I think that you are mistaking some SYMPTOMS that you may have that may MATCH overdose symptoms to an overdose.

But ONE SYMPTOM of Vitamin D overdose does not mean that you have had a vitamin D overdose. A dry mouth could simply mean that you need to drink more water and does NOT imply a medical emergency.

And in fact you absolutely, right this very minute call your doctor and get your vitamin D levels and calcium levels drawn to be on the safe side, I'm betting that you are going to find that you are Vitamin D DEFICIENT!

In fact, back pain is also a symptom of vitamin D DEFICIENCY as well as a symptom of 100's of different things.

So, PLEASE, get your vitamin D level drawn and report back, I would be VERY interested in hearing what your Vitamin D levels are!

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune Health.com

by: Richard

Hi Kerri.

Thanks for the info. I need to add that we both had multiple symptoms including frequent urination and bone pain etc... As soon as my wife stopped taking the additional D3 400iu/day she got better and after a couple of weeks her stomach normalized and has felt healthy again.

When I had dry mouth I tasted mushrooms for some reason (I think the D3 was made from them - it was a strong taste)...

As soon as I stopped taking the 1000iu D3 daily I was normal again - did not urinate as much and dry mouth was gone within that day.

I am starting to think that D3 is way more powerful than people think and I might try D2 instead.

Thanks again, Rich

Overdose Symptoms
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Health Queen!

Hi Rich,

I find it interesting that both you AND your wife felt strange symptoms from your vitamin D when 10's of thousands of people in studies felt no such symptoms.

By Definition, Vitamin D3 is made from animals; while vitamin D2 IS made from mushrooms, however.

So, my theory is that you guys were taking a contaminated batch of D3- maybe it was growing mold or something in the capsules- or the oil in the capsules had gone rancid.

I use a really high quality vitamin D with olive oil as the base and give my vitamin D deficient family and friends 300,000 IU's all at once- With NO PROBLEMS in any of them- not ONCE! And several of my friends that I have given this dose to are allergic to EVERYTHING and have severe dietary restrictions because of this.

So, the fact that both you AND your wife who (I'm presuming) don't share DNA had bad reactions- it's almost for sure that it's the batch.

And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a level. I'm serious. I really believe that you guys are WAY under treating your deficiency.

One interesting thing about getting bone pain- however- when you START taking vitamin D is that VERY deficient people CAN get bone pain because the calcium starts to remineralize their bones and draws water into them with the calcium- causing the bones to swell slightly and put pressure on the outer coverings of the bones. So, if your wife IS getting bone pain, it may indicate a VERY severe deficiency.

Get tested, please!

And get a higher quality Vitamin D3 from a reputable company and that sells clinically significant doses (1000 IU's is NOT clinically significant for an adult- it's like putting a band aid on a broken leg). So, I recommend Longevity Plus's Vitamin D3. I know that it is good quality by an excellent company and that's why I offer it on my site.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune Health.com

Vitamin D
by: Donna

My husband and I have had lower back pain and frequent urination since we started taking 2000 IU of Vitamin D each day.

Last year we took the same vitamin D pills once or twice a week with no side effects. I think you are dismissing the problem of vitamin D overdose without really looking at the issue.

I'm NOT Dismissing Overdose...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Donna,

I appreciate what you are saying and that you are worried about people getting vitamin d toxicity, but just because you have ADVERSE EFFECTS from taking something does NOT mean that you have OVERDOSED on it.

An overdose on Vitamin D, by definition, is when you have taken too much and your vitamin D levels are high and your calcium levels are elevated.

If you think that you are Vitamin D toxic, then PLEASE by ALL MEANS go to your doctor, get a vitamin D level and a calcium level and come back here and tell us what it is!!

If you took 2000 IU's per day and became toxic, then I URGE you to not only come back here and report it, but also to contact the Vitamin D Researchers at the Vitamin D Council HERE, particularly Dr. Vieth at the bottom of the page and notify him of your toxicity at such low

He has been researching Vitamin D for years and has never found ONE SINGLE case of Vitamin D toxicity at dosages less than 10,000 IU's per day.

So, if BOTH you AND your husband became toxic at 2000 IU's over a short period of time, then you are MEDICAL ANOMALIES and you absolutely should report it to Dr. Vieth and allow him to find out what specific genetic or metabolic issues you have that would allow you to become toxic at such low levels when no one else ever has.

And if you are getting back pain from Vitamin D, it is MUCH MORE likely that you are SEVERELY DEFICIENT and are getting a phenomenon where the bones get extra hydrated at the beginning of Vitamin D therapy and cause worsening pain. This ONLY happens when people are severely deficient!

So, please, either way- get a vitamin D level, find out what it is and let us know. I'm VERY interested in knowing what your level is!

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune Health.com

vitamin d3 symptons
by: Steve

My vitamin d level is 21, my doctor put me on maximum d3 10,000 units, twice a week. This morning I woke up with a really bad headache and also my teeth feel very sensitive. I don't want to stop taking the d3, as I feel like I have more energy now. I am hoping that these symptoms are because I have been only taking the d3 for a couple of weeks and they will subside in time?

Headache might be..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Steve,

Yes, your headache might be a side effect of vitamin d, but MORE likely it is a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency that was triggered by taking the vitamin d.

See my page on Vitamin D Side Effects in order to better understand what I mean by that.

But another thing that you might be interested in knowing is that your twice weekly 10,000 IU's of vitamin d is not even quite 3000 IU's per day. That is WAY too low for Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment!! And that is actually about the right maintenance dose for a 10 year old child.

It is certainly not enough to treat vitamin d deficiency in an adult! Where your doctor got that number to give you that amount, I have no idea because there is no 'standard of care' that uses 20,000 IU's per week or 3000 IU's a day for treatment of deficiency.

So, Steve, I highly suggest that you read through my Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment page and find out what dose you SHOULD be taking.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune Health.com

Myocardial necrosis D3?
by: John

I was just curious about something I read regarding D3. On biomed experts is listed a study where 100,000 iu is given to rats over a period of time and adverse are witnessed.

"Multifocal cardionecrosis was established macroscopically in 70% of the vitamin D-treated rats on the 7th day of the experiment when the rats were in the acute phase of intoxication"

Though they posit that calcium may have acted in conjunction which makes sense.

I know 100,000 iu of D3 for a rat is exponentially different than the same for a person, but I can't help wondering if that much may show cumulative damage progressively over a span twenty years or so. This is coming from someone who just swallowed 10,000 iu of D3 myself.

Cardionecrosis means lack of oxygen...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi John,

So, you do understand that a mouse is going to weigh less than half a pound each, and assuming that a mouse is a half pound, that 100,000 IU's would be equivalent to over 30 MILLION Iu's in a 150 pound human!

So, this study is really riduculous because they are simply killing something intentionally and then observing microscopically the changes that occur as it dies. And 'Cardionecrosis' simply means that the heart is being deprived of oxygen and the cells are dying.

No matter in what way you die, you will get cardionecrosis!! Once you start being deprived of oxygen, then that is what happens in every living being!!

When I was in nursing school, we used to joke that 'everyone dies of metabolic acidosis' because as you die, you are unable to get rid of acid and metabolically as every single living being dies, it gets acidosis.

So, they could have said that they observed these mice getting metabolic acidosis as well. This is meaningless in regards to Vitamin D.

Even water will kill you if you give too much of it- and I'll bet that as you are dying from 'water intoxication' (a real diagnosis by the way), then you get cardionecrosis too!! Sounds like we need some federal funds for studies to study that too.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

I agree that I was also poisoned by D3
by: Anonymous

I had a constant hoarse throat felt that I was loosing my voice, irritability, fatigue, bone and back pain, headaches and my breathing was a bit off. I was also nervous and anxious due to the symptoms not getting better.

I lowered my dose and now the symptoms have been reversed. I don't think that you realize that some people can't take high doses of any vitamin or supplement without some serious side effects. Most doctors under estimate the power of these supplements.

The higher the dose and for long periods of time the body is going to eventually re-act negatively. I was on 6,000 for several months and it proved to be way too much. I have sense found a new dose but plan to take less that that if need be.

I actually feel better with less. Obviously I didn't need as much as another person.

You Were Not Poisioned...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

You REALLY need to take a look at my Vitamin D Side Effects page. I do not think that there is ANYONE out there who denies that some people can have side effects from Vitamin D.

Heck, in EVERY SINGLE placebo-controlled study ever done, people have side effects to the PLACEBOS! That is one of the reasons that they DO placebo-controlled studies is to see what Side Effects are from the drug and what side effects are from the placebo.

But side effects of Vitamin D are distinctly different from an Overdose of Vitamin D!

And that's why this thread is crazy is that everyone keeps telling me that because they had such and such symptom that they had an overdose and that I'm not taking overdoses seriously.

People, listen please!!! The DEFINITION of a Vitamin D Overdose is:

1) Your Vitamin D Level is very high
2) Your Vitamin D level is SO HIGH that it caused you to have elevated calcium levels

These conditions have NEVER OCCURRED in anyone taking 10,000 IU's per day or less according to the most careful researcher who has been LOOKING for people with Vitamin D Overdoses. Overdoses lead you to be VERY sick and you likely are going to need to be hospitalized. If you think that you have an overdose on Vitamin D- This is VERY SERIOUS and you should contact your doctor or go to the emergency room.

But if you have been taking a normal therapeutic dose of vitamin d- even up to 10,000 IU's per day, if you feel bad- it is 99.999% likely that you are having SIDE EFFECTS and NOT AN OVERDOSE!!!

So, please understand the difference before you tell people that you were 'Toxic' or had an 'Overdose' of Vitamin d!!!

And also, if you go read the Vitamin D Side Effects page, you'll see that most of your symptoms were likely due to Magnesium Deficiencyinduced by taking Vitamin D- not 'Poisioning'!! It's likely that your irritability and headache would have gone away immediately if you simply would have followed the instructions on that page and taken magnesium.

The BONE PAIN is likely because you are SO DEFICIENT that your bones have demineralized!!!


Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

adverse affects of vitamin D3
by: Anonymous

I had the same issue with vitamin D.
1000ius a day sometimes 2000ius, plus 400 in my prenatal pill (I'm breastfeeding a toddler)...I get sun in southern california and I drink about 4 cups of milk a day...not including all the other food sources of vitamin D. I'm 5'4" and weigh 100lbs

I wouldn't say I Overdosed on Vitamin D (NOTE FROM KERRI: Good, because you absolutely DIDN'T overdose on that small of an amount of Vitamin D!) but after about four months of taking it I started to have strange reactions- strange bone pains (like growing pains) severe anxiety, and finally I had my TSH level tested and it is ALWAYS at 1.3 and it was at 4.68!

My doctor suspected my d3 and when I retested a couple months later it had normalized and we kept checking and it was and still is normal.

d3 can react to different people in different ways. I personally am going to keep getting it from the sun.

low vitamin d
by: Anonymous

My 25 hydroxy level was 21, my doctor told me to take 10,000 maximum d3 per week and after a while she told me to take 10,000 twicw a week. I started getting bad headaches and my teeth were sensitive and my gums and lips were very red and burning. So, I started taking 2000 mg vitamin d3 per day. Now my mouth and nose are very very dry all the time?

I just had my levels checked and my 25 hydroxy is now 32, my doctor wants to get it to 60 or 70.

Any advise?


Bad headaches
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Mike,

The bad headaches are almost a sure thing to be a Sign of Magnesium Deficiency, so be sure to read the Magnesium Dosage page and take some magnesium with that vitamin d.

But, the 2000 IU's a day is bringing your levels up, so just keep taking the highest dose that you can.

But when you are ready to buy a new bottle of Vitamin d, buy a 'DRY' form- meaning that it has no oil. I HIGHLY suspect that many people's weird side effects are due to rancid oils in cheap vitamin d formulations.

So, get a 'Dry' formulation and you will eliminate that possibility. When you decide to get your next Vitamin D Supplements, please support this site by considering buying your Oil Free Vitamin D Supplements here.

Dry Mouth
by: Mike

Thanks for responding to my comments. I am still having very very dry mouth and nose, the d3 I have been taking is, MegaFood Vitamin D, 100% whole food, 2000 iu per day. This supposedly is a very good natural source of d3? [Kerri's Note: It's NOT a 'good natural source] So now that my dry mouth hasn't gone away, I switched to Solgar, d3, 1000 iu per day, softgels. I really want to continue to bring my 25 Hydroxy results up.

You mentioned to me that my magnesium levels were probably low. do I need to be tested for this level, or do you think it is ok to just add a magnesium supplement? What would you recommend for the dosage?

I appreciate your feedback.


by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Mike,

That's good. Solgar seems to be packed 'Dry'. It may or may not help, but at least you'll know FOR SURE if its the oil problem or not and to stay away from it in the future.

Read the Magnesium Dosage page for the right dose of magnesium to take.

If you read my Magnesium Levels page, you'll see that getting tested for magnesium is worthless, so don't bother.

And by the way, that 1000 IU's is just simply NEVER going to bring your levels up. What I find with my clients is that people have no worse side effects taking a large dose as they do a small dose, but when they get side effects and back off on these dosages, then they just DRAAAAAAGGGGGGG out the side effects forever and they HATE taking vitamin d.

Where when they just take a big dose all at once, they feel bad for a couple of days, then it goes away. So, by taking the 1000 IU's a day, I think that you are just torturing yourself. Even your doctor telling you to take 20,000 IU's a week is really a very small dose.

There are many many studies where doctors will simply give ONE big dose of 600,000 IU's all at once and be done with it for about 4 months. That's PERFECTLY fine and safe and there has NEVER been an overdose from that- even when its given to children.

And incidentally, studies that do this almost NEVER mention any Vitamin D Side Effects from doing this.

So, there are some ideas for you anyway.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

d3 tolerance
by: Anonymous

So this is where I am at now: My mouth and nose were so dry, that I stopped the d3, to see if the dryness got better? It did, after just 2 days of no d3, the dryness went away? I was taking 3000 iu per day of d3, not a high dose? So now what? It seems that the most d3 I can handle is 1000 iu per day, but I know this is way to low to bring my 25 hydroxy levels up.

Any thoughts, thanks.

here's a thought...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

More About Vitamin D

What I find with my clients is that people have no worse side effects taking a large dose as they do a small dose, but when they get side effects and back off on these dosages, then they just DRAAAAAAGGGGGGG out the side effects forever and they HATE taking vitamin d.

Where when they just take a big dose all at once, they feel bad for a couple of days, then it goes away. So, by taking the 1000 IU's a day, I think that you are just torturing yourself. Even your doctor telling you to take 20,000 IU's a week is really a very small dose.

There are many many studies where doctors will simply give ONE big dose of 600,000 IU's all at once and be done with it for about 4 months. That's PERFECTLY fine and safe and there has NEVER been an overdose from that- even when its given to children.

And incidentally, studies that do this almost NEVER mention any Vitamin D Side Effects from doing this.

So, there are some ideas for you anyway.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

d3 tolerance
by: Mike

Well, over 2 months of a very dry mouth and nose, taking 2000 iu's per day, I listened to what you said and increased my dosage. I am now taking 4000 iu's per day. For a couple of days, I still had the same dry mouth and nose, but for some reason, after about 1 week of taking 4000 iu's per day, the dry mouth and nose went away. I don't know why, you'll probably say it's because my dry mouth and nose was from being deficient in d3, but I never had the symptoms, until I started taking d3.

I had my 25 hydroxy test about 10 days ago, it was at 31, up from 20, about 2 months ago. Now I have to figure how much d3 to take a day, I guess I'll stay with the 4000 iu's per day for about another 2 weeks and then have my blood tested again.

Thanks for your advise.


d3 & Magnesium Dosage
by: Anonymous

So now I have been taking 4000 units per day of d3. As I mentioned earlier, my dry mouth and nose has gone away, but now I have back pain and discomfort in my muscles and for the past few nights, it has been realy difficult to sleep.

Vitamin D Spray for Immune Health

I've even been having bad dreams, I guess you might call them nightmere's, last night I was tossing and turning all night. I've been taking 400 mg of magnesium, in divided doses per day. I thougth maybe these symptoms were caused from the magnesium, so today I only took 100 mg of magnesium.

I know you will probably say that the muscular and back pain is from my bones being demineralized? Anyway, I am going to continue the d3 4000 per day and the magnesium. I just don't know what the correct dose should be of each one?

I am wondering how long it will take until I start feeling great?


Vitamin D and Restlessness...
by: Anonymous

Hi Mike,

I actually think that your symptoms are more likely to be Signs of Magnesium Deficiency, rather than a RESULT of the magnesium. You can learn how much magnesium to take on my Magnesium Dosage page. 400 Mg of magnesium per day is extremely low.

I've mentioned that you should read my page on Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment to see how much vitamin d to take.

You are taking about HALF the recommended dose to bring your levels up.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

d3 going up
by: Mike

I've been taking 5000 d3 now for about a month, I just had my blood tested and my 25 hydroxy went up to 40, so I am on the right track, I started out at 20.

Now, the question I have is; I am taking a trip to Florida and will be in the sun quite a bit, we will be in Florida for 3 weeks. Should I lower my d3 intake? I want to get my d3 much higher than 40, so, maybe I should increase my daily intake?

What do you think?

Also, my cacium was 8.6, my magnesium was 2.4 and my b12 was 669. I took a b12 shot about a week after the blood test, without b12 shots, my b12 goes down to about 250.


Really difficult to say...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Mike,

I actually really hate this question because there is just no 'Exact Science' to be able to determine how much sun equals how much vitamin d and there are many factors.

So, for instance, I have seen tons of clients that INSIST that they get 'plenty of sun' yet they are extremely vitamin d deficient. Then upon further questioning, then never sunbathe and are almost always wearing clothes and a hat when they go out in the sun, wear sunscreen and usually don't go out in the noontime sun.

So, if you would like to maximize the amount of vitamin d you get from the sun, then:

Sunbathe in a pair of swim trunks and expose as much of your skin as possible to the sun for as long as possible in the middle of the day while NEVER allowing yourself to burn.

Refrain from washing with soap afterwards. If you feel sweaty, then wash the 'critical areas' with a washcloth, but DON'T wash the oils off your skin.

Young people who do this can make up to 20,000 IU's in one day!! But aging, washing afterwards and having dry skin or extremely low cholesterol or magnesium levels can impair this significantly. You'll have to 'use your judgment'.

Also Mike, I've said this many times before, Please ignore your Magnesium Level as it does not provide useful information about your need to supplement. Only go by your Signs of Magnesium Deficiency.

Next, you didn't tell me that you have been taking vitamin b12 shots!!! Please read my Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency page to see why there are just really no 'good' reasons for you to have chronic B12 deficiency!!

And some fixable malabsorption problem is likely contributing to your health issues!!! Tell me more about your B12 deficiency and what your doctor says about why you have it.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

Crohns & d3
by: Mike

I was diagnosed with a very mild case of Crohns Disease, a couple of years ago. I was having some problems, not major, but have been not having a problems for over a year now.

I have an excellent doctor and she is the one that got me going on d3, as there are studies that indicate that it can help with inflammation in the colon. She also started me on b12 shots as my b12 level was low, around 300. I also had b12 shots, many years ago, my level back then was even lower. I do get acid reflux, at times it can be pretty severe and was taking Pepcid, pretty much on a regular basis. Maybe it's coincidental, but since I have been taking d3, I haven't been getting acid reflux as often?

So, this is where I am now.

Thanks for your help.


Just One More Thing
by: Mike

You mentioned low cholesterol might contribute to low B12. Well, up to about the age of 35, my cholesterol was always 120-130, now my cholesterol is about 150. I also have always had very low HDL, always between 25-30.

That's it.



No, low cholesterol doesn't contribute to low B12 levels, but potentially low Vitamin D Levels. But that's not likely with 'normally' low levels that some normal healthy people have, but would never have known about if they didn't have doctors obsessing over it.

Some people just have 'normally' low cholesterol levels, it's the people that have super low cholesterol levels from drugs that I worry about.

But I did want to mention that having Crohn's AND Vitamin B12 Deficiency leads me to believe that you have undiagnosed Gluten Sensitivity.

Crohn's is just simply NOT a normal human condition and there is almost always an element of Increased Intestinal Permeability and damage to the intestines in Crohn's. That's great that the vitamin d has decreased the inflammation, but where did the inflammation COME from in the first place??

And by the way, you do NOT need Vitamin B12 Shots. Even if you can't absorb vitamin b12 in your stomach, that is why they created Sublingual Vitamin B12 Supplements decades ago.

They bypass your stomach so that you don't HAVE to absorb them at all!! They go straight to your bloodstream. So, you just need to take probably 2 to 4 mg per day and I'll bet that your Vitamin B12 Levels stay within range- no shots required.

Besides, Vitamin B12 Shots are in the form of Cyanocobalamin, and if you are taking vitamin b12 anyway, then read the page on Methylcobalamin B12 to see why there are SO MANY advantages to taking Methylcobalamin that I take it myself everyday even though I don't need extra B12!!

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

lower d3 in summer
by: Emre

Hi there,

Last winter, my 25 OH was 25 ng/ml, so I used 5000ui d3 daily in order to prevent getting flu etc.

I stopped using it since June, trusting having sunbath during vacation will be sufficient.

In mid July, I have tested my blood again for my cronic itchy allergy that gets aggressive when I swet at hot weather.
ALT 31
AST 43 (at limit)
Total colestrol 230 (above limit)
HDL LDL normal
25 OH D3 10mg/ml (what happened to the sun!!)
And as usual IgE is 650 (6 times above the limit)

I was planning to have 7000UI daily, but the I read Shanes blog about synthetic D3 build up at faty cells that causes calcification at a later stage. He was suggesting to have natural D3 from Cod liver oil, but it contains only 1000UI.

Too much confusion.
Should I have more sun and cod liver oil with 1000 UI, or should I go for 7000UI synthetic and have a differnt risc. :)

Funny. with this d3 deficiency, the only symptom I see is the never ending ichy chest.

No References for His Claims
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Emre,

I took a look at Shane's blog for the first time and I would love to know where he gets his information- but he provides no references that Vitamin D in pill form gets 'crammed' into your fat cells and causes them to calcify and that it causes cancer if used for over 10 years.

I've personally looked at thousands of research studies and have not come across either of these problems. Yes, it's toxic at high doses- but EVERYTHING is- even water and oxygen. Then he cites that Gary Null found out how bad vitamin d is because a shake company put a toxic amount in it.

That is not an indictment of vitamin d, but an indictment of having an Overdose on Vitamin D. While I do agree that getting vitamin d from sun has no possibility of overdose, above 37 degrees latitude there is no vitamin d for 6 months out of the year, so that's just not a possibility for most people- and in summer most people still work indoors 9 to 5, so where are they supposed to get their vitamin d?

And if you read my Cod Liver Oil Information page, you'll see that there are SERIOUS issues with taking Vitamin A in the form of the Retinols that are present in Cod Liver Oil, so I don't recommend it unless you are only taking it in small doses, then you aren't going to get enough vitamin d from it to make it a worthwhile vitamin d supplement anyway!

As far as vitamin d getting 'crammed' into fat cells, it's called Storing Vitamin D and it's what our bodies DO when we get a lot at one time. Remember, in most areas of the world there is little sun for 6 months out of the year, so our bodies adapted to store vitamin d to time release it all winter.

I have yet to see anyone with calcified fat cells from taking vitamin d, so I don't know where he gets that info.

So, from all of the research that I've done, I see no reason why you shouldn't chance taking whatever amount it takes you to bring your levels up to between 50 to 80 ng/ml.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

by: Emre

Thanks for reming about the report for calcification. I will be following up that one.

And there is somethimg bothers me.
If I am not mistaken the earlier limit was 20ml but now 50ml. Also ~80% of the people around is below 50ml, including surfers...
Seriosly I am wondering whit what evidence this limit is increased to 50ml.

I can easly accept if there was a trustable report indicating, say 20 years ago, the ~80% of the people had 50ml D3.

Have you come up with such report during your research?



Yes, here's the research..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Emre,

The vitamin D test has only been around for about 20 years, so we don't have data from what our parents or grandparents would have been. But the surfer issue is that lifeguards were around 150 ng/ml year round.

So, they get some numbers from that. But the main source is a compilation of all the available studies and at what levels are required to prevent % of incidence of the disease. You can check it out at the Grassroots Health Disease Incidence Prevention Chart.

And this chart isn't just made up by some dude who likes statistics, it was compiled with the help of something like 15 of the top vitamin d researchers in the world who are on the cutting edge of the research, designing studies and interpreting them. So, THEY are the ones calling for 50 to 80 ng/ml based on this info.

Hope this helps...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

question about side effects
by: Anonymous

My doctor said I had very dangerous low vitamin D levels and so she told me to take at least 2000 iu's a day. I started right away, but within 24 hours I developed terrible muscle contortions and a burn inside of my face that was just terrible as was my mouth and the tip of my tongue felt like it was burning. I also "felt" really strange - floaty, not right. My arms were wanting to twist inward - I had to fight it. I put up with this for like a week thinking it would resolve and it just got worse every day. I called my Dr. and they said to stop taking it and within a little over 24 hours every symptom resolved. I have an appt. with my Dr., but wondering what in the world is going on with that?

hypercalcification and blood pressure
by: Anonymous

I took 1,800 iu a day of dry D and my blood pressure shot up and I could not get it down until I stopped taking the D. My kidneys are slow to process drugs and I usually have trouble getting rid of something I have a bad reaction to. I waited a few months and tried a reputable liquid multi vitamin with 1,200 iu of D and my blood pressure went back up again.

I keep going on and off the D and watch the pressure rise and fall. I think in people with questionable kidney function, vitamin D can cause hypercalcification and it gets stuck in the kidneys. Unfortunately I feel better on a lower dose .

You are badly misinformed...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

So, you are BADLY misinformed. First, vitamin d is not processed by the kidneys, so therefore it wouldn't be a problem if your 'kidneys have trouble processing things'. Vitamin d is even perfectly safe for those on dialysis who have ZERO kidney function because that's not how vitamin d works.

Next, vitamin d doesn't cause 'hypercalcification' of ANYTHING unless you become toxic. If you get a calcification in your kidneys, that's a GIGANTIC problem that is NOT caused by vitamin d and you will have a LOT bigger problems than not processing drugs- like ending up in the hospital and on dialysis. 'Hypercalcification' of your kidneys is NOT happening- not even remotely...

Next, your blood pressure shooting up is likely due to the same cause as almost every other person on this thread that I have told the EXACT same thing to, but which you obviously ignored for whatever reason.

Your blood pressure problem is likely due to a latent (or not so latent considering it sounds like you have a lot of other health problems) MAGNESIUM deficiency that is being heightened by taking the vitamin d.

Please read my pages on:

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency


Magnesium and Vitamin D

Again, for the umpteenth time on this thread, just because you are having problems with the vitamin d does NOT make you toxic and the fact that you are having problems is almost certainly due to several other nutrient deficiencies and should cause you to pause to wonder if you are deficient in Vitamin A, vitamin K and/or magnesium- the administration of which in people having problems taking vitamin d have all remedied these problems.

So, it depends upon whether you would like a SOLUTION to this problem and whether you actually are interested in solving it or just believing your interesting but wrong theories...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

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