Can Vitamin D help with Reoccuring Colds?

by khan
(london, u.k)

Hi there, I have read that Vit D has been a great healing aid for colds, flus and some serious flu outbreaks ect. I have had a numbers of colds this year, (about several in a row, they normally last for two days or three) But that has never happened before.

I usually get the same symptoms of sore throat, sneezing, aches and pains ect.

If I take my usual multi vit, vit c, and also the Vit D 3 would this hopefully help comabat these colds or at least weaken them? Thank you for any advice help:)


on average i have had what feels like a cold about every 4-5 weeks.

Comments for Can Vitamin D help with Reoccuring Colds?

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Not likely to help
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Khan,

Most mulitvitamin supplements are pretty pathetic, so if you take your 'usual' multivitamin, some random vitamin c supplement that is also probably inadequate because most are, and a vitamin d supplement that is also inadequate to meet your needs then its unlikely to help.

Please read my pages on:

Vitamin D for Colds and Flu


Vitamin D Therapy

Also, if you are getting sick that often, your diet is probably pretty bad. I'd suggest that you look into getting the Ebook The Healthy Urban Kitchen and following the instructions for diet as well.

Kerri Knox, RN

thank you for the tips and advice
by: Anonymous

Hi Kerri, thank you for the advice on the vitamins.

I think I am going to leave buying the ones I usually get at the chemist, I will look into diet and the book link you have put in the comment.

Also think I will but the vitamins from here from now on.

Kind regards:)


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