Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Balance Problems?

by Annette
(Manteca, CA)

Could Balance Problems be a Symptom of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Could Balance Problems be a Symptom of Vitamin D Deficiency?

I am vitamin B-12 deficient; therefore I need to have monthly injections. Now my physician says I am vitamin D deficient as well (level 25 ng/ml out of 40ng/ml). So now I am taking a prescription Vitamin D pill for four weeks and then will move on to over the counter vitamin D.

Can Vitamin D Deficiency cause balance problems, brain fog and concentration issues like Vitamin B 12 Deficiency can?

Photo by Kevin Dooley

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Vitamin D and Balance Problems
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Queen!

Hi Annette,

Yes, Vitamin D Deficiency and Balance problems Are linked. There has been fairly conclusive evidence to show that the elderly fall more when they are Vitamin D Deficient!!

More About Vitamin D

The first study to show this was not widely believed, but several studies since then show that a general decline in the elderly can be- at least in part- attributed to Vitamin D Deficiency.

While I've not read anything about Brain Fog and Vitamin D Deficiency, there ARE links to Dementia and Vitamin D as well as the general weakness that could also look like Mental Changes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency as well.

But I'm concerned that your doctor is only treating your for Vitamin D Deficiency for 4 weeks on 50,000 IU's per week. That is not very long and will likely not get you to 40 ng/ml as he is trying to do- unless you get a significant amount of sunlight during that period as well.

And you don't say what dose he is putting you on after your 4 week Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency, but make sure that it is aggressive enough to get your levels up as well. A Normal maintenance dose is around 3800 to 5000 IU's per day.

And please be sure to get a Vitamin D Level Test in 3 to 4 months to make sure that your replacement regimen is working.

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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