Can gluten intolerance come and go?

by David

My 25-yr. old son was exhibiting many of the classic symptoms of gluten-intolerance at 21 years of age, went on a gluten-free diet, and except for the occasional bouts of symptoms when he unknowingly ate wheat or gluten, has been feeling good and healthy since then. He was drinking alcohol at the time, and while not infrequently, I wouldn't term him a heavy drinker.

Recently, he stopped drinking alcohol, and claims to have been 'faith-healed' of his gluten intolerance, and has been eating bread and other wheat-based foods for 3 weeks. While I do not believe gluten intolerance could be overcome by religious intervention, I don't have any information on how, or if, a person with gluten intolerance could suddenly start eating wheat again after years of not, and not present with his typical symptoms.

I'm aware that his condition may have been actually something else, not simply gluten intolerance, but since he is unwilling to seek medical help on the situation (feeling God just took care of everything), I'm doing my own research to at least be aware of plausible answers.

Thank you in advance for any help you might offer.

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It actually can..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi David,

Gluten intolerance CAN actually 'come and go' if you want to use that term. If someone doesn't have Celiac Disease, then gluten intolerance is generally caused by chronic inflammation in the digestive tract that leads to a condition knows as Increased Intestinal Permeability.

While gluten is, by it's nature, an 'inflammatory' food- generally this whole process starts out due to stress- which leads to a decreased ability to decrease inflammation and tolerate the inflammatory nature of the gluten.

But if your son went gluten free and healed his inflammation and leaky gut- while at the same time 'finding god'- which may very well have decreased his sensation of stress considerably and increased his sense of well-being which improves the function of the adrenal glands that help to manage and control inflammation, then he may very well have resolved his gluten sensitivity.

While it's likely that he'll always have a predisposition to have gluten sensitivity, if he manages to keep his sensation of stress in check and keeps the inflammation in his digestive tract to a minimum, he may be able to live with eating gluten without problems.

But if he lets stress get to him and he gets inflammation in his gut again, then he might develop gluten sensitivity again. So, the 'moral of the story' is that unless your son develops some health problems, then don't worry so much about his gluten intake...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
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Can Pregnancy reverse gluten intolerance?
by: Mrs. Palmer

I figured out almost 2 years ago that I had a gluten intolerance after seeing countless doctors trying to medicate my problem. It was suggested to me to try a gluten free diet which I have done for the last 2 years. I recently became pregnant and have been CRAVING gluten foods.

I tried a little at first to not hurt myself too much, but after eating more and more I have realized that my body is okay eating the gluten since I have been pregnant. I am shocked!!

How can this be? Could the change in hormones effect the intolerance? Should I expect the intolerance to return after I have my baby?

Just because you can..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Just because you CAN eat gluten while you are pregnant doesn't mean that you SHOULD. Your craving for gluten probably means that you just need more calories and not that you NEED gluten.

I would suggest that you read the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration to see what poor nutrition from low nutrient dense foods like grains can do to children's formation and health down the road.

If you want to protect the health of your unborn child, stay away from foods that contain gluten because they have little to no nutrients. I can't stress enough the huge differences in the health of children from mothers who did not eat processed foods of any kind that were observed in the book above. These children had ZERO cavities, no impacted wisdom teeth later in life, no allergies, no asthma, no aches and pains of any sort, no crooked teeth, no depression, etc.

In fact, the adults in places where there were no processed foods had AMAZING health mentally and physically. Why would you CHOOSE to eat processed foods when you haven't even been eating them for 2 years (unless you're just eating gluten free junk food- then in that case STOP STOP STOP). You probably believe that cavities, allergies, asthma, etc are just 'childhood problems' that are random and that you have no control over. You are wrong- mothers eating processed foods and feeding them to their children is the culprit.. STOP eating processed foods and putting your child at risk for these problems...

I suggest that you read Dave and Lana Asprey's The Better Baby Book: How to Have a Healthier, Smarter, Happier Baby to learn more about how your diet can make for a 'better baby'.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen

Gluten Intolerance and Antibiotics
by: Anonymous

My daughter had all the classic symptoms of Gluten Intolerance. We put her on a gluten-free diet and all of the symptoms went away. When she accidentally ingested gluten, they would return.

She was gluten free for 3 months and then came down with strep throat and was given a 10-day dose of Amoxicillin. Since then, she has been able to eat gluten with no reaction or symptoms at all. Could the antibiotics actually have healed her gluten issue?

Or will the gluten sensitivity return in time?

Thank you, Kristi

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